Have Two Laughs and Call Me in the Morning

A different kind of medicine to heal the hurt

Jill Ebstein
4 min readMar 24, 2023


Unsplash: credit Steven Libralon

Author’s note: This was one of my early pandemic pieces where we weren’t feeling comfortable and I was in search of a laugh…just one little laugh. While my jokes aren’t very funny, writing them made me laugh.

Sometimes it can be hard to find a reason to laugh, and — usually — those are the times we need laughter most.

The monotony of plodding through indistinguishable days can leave us lethargic — full of spiritual malaise. In defense of rediscovering our spunk, I am offering a tribute to the curative power of humor.

The photo for this piece should make most people smile, but just in case, I offer two self-created lame jokes that will either make you chuckle or decide that you can do better. To that, I say, “Please do.” I also add, “You can also look at those cute kids who are masked and maybe imagine a whole new dimension to the masking visage.

Anyway, here goes my attempts at humor:

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: He was practicing social distancing.

And for some darker humor:



Jill Ebstein

I’m about dogs, our lovable and peculiar families, business, and writing in a wide lane, including fiction. I’m a positivity washer too.